Monday, July 20, 2009

You’ve Only Got One Life, 5 Steps to Making It Lovely!

If it's a better life you're after then these simple steps will have you organized and on your way to fulfillment.

1. What do you want?

Make a list of everything you want.It sounds simple and actually it is. Many of us are just to busy to take the time out to sit down and work out what we actually want. This is an absolute priority if you want your life to be happier.

Sit down at a time you are unlikely to be interrupted and write a list of all the things you want out of your life. While writing your list, remember; If another human being has done it before. It stands to reason that anybody can.

2. Be specific.

You will find you have a page full of lovely things you want. Now you need to make them specific. To check whether you're being specific enough ask yourself. How you will I know when I have it? If it's a Ferrari you're after that's easy but it gets more complicated when things are a bit more vague like

'I want to spend more time with my family'

With this one you will need to shave it right down to specifics and word it like a task. Not "I want to" but "I will"

E.g. I will be home by 5.30 every week day night.

3. Be realistic

Make sure your goals are realistic. You won't have a Ferrari by Friday if you earn £3.50 an hour. (Unless you break the law, or win the lottery.) The first is inadvisable and the latter unlikely.

There is no reason however that you can't get one by 2010. You will have to spend the time and energy completing the small steps to get to the big one. It may be that you will have to retrain, start your own business etc. It's all do-able and far better than sitting around saying "I'll never be able to afford a Ferrari" If it's what you really want go and get it.

The other point about being realistic... Do you really want it? If you don't you won't have the inner push. If that's the case stop talking about it, let it go...

4. Choreograph the steps.

Now you know what you want you need to write down all the steps you need to take to get there.

Making changes in your life is always going to push you out of your comfort zone. But the good news is pushing you out there means you're growing and personal growth is always good. Being pro-active in your life is far less satisfying than letting it all happen to you.

Remember there is no such thing as 'can't' only 'I choose not to.' You are in the driving seat.

Making changes will make ripples in everyone else's life around you. For some people it is that alone that keeps them stuck. Most of us don't like to think that it's our ripples that are rocking someone else boat but to achieve a lovely life you're going to have to make ripples.

Successful people are rippling and rocking all day long and they barely notice it!

So make sure you write all those steps down. When will they be done by? Make sure they’re fixed in a timeframe. Deadlines are important they keep us moving forward and give us a sense of achievement.

5. Walk the steps

Do everything on your list and tick each task off as you complete them. This is when you start feeling the buzz. That buzz just gets better so keep your focus on the big goal as you complete each little step! Good luck and enjoy the fun!

1 comment:

  1. These are good tips.It's funny how even doing a little task can give you a feeling of accomplishment. Thanks for the post.

    Leroy Whitekiller
